EST. 2017 – Aroha is an independent NGO based out of Geneva, Switzerland, working to help government and private institutions safeguard the world’s most vulnerable communities and ecosystems.


Aroha’s mission can be summed up in three words: avert climate chaos.

Mobilizing actions towards limiting global warming to 1.5C, enhancing protection of vulnerable communities and ecosystems, and maximizing benefits of the transition to a climate resilient future.



We were founded in October 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland, our main base of operation.

Key projects
Aroha helped establish the MSC Foundation and provides advisory support to the Foundation’s board. Aroha has also led and operated the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) Secretariat between 2017-2023 working with 58 member states across continents.

Our Work
Aroha aims to avert climate chaos by mobilizing actions towards limiting global warming to 1.5C, enhancing protection of vulnerable communities and ecosystems, and maximizing benefits of the transition to a climate resillient future. Towards these objectives, Aroha operates in partnership with public and private entities across four principle work domains.

Latest NEWS

Taniwha announces Aroha Annual Report 2022
In 2022, we added yet another drought, wildfire, and deadly heatwave to our shopping list of extreme weather events. Lives were lost in Pakistan, crop failures in East Africa caused widespread hunger, while floods displaced millions in West Africa....

Website relaunch!
In our mission to avert climate chaos, we know digital platforms play a crucial role in spreading awareness, driving action and forging partnerships. After years of faithfully representing our organization, it was time for Aroha's website to...